Friday, August 31, 2007

NYC - Wknd (Spartan break)

Ok, so its been a couple of days since I blogged, but its just been a bit busy (being SORE!! from the gym, etc.) I planned to work out last night but something I ate, or rather a combination of some things I ate yesterday put my stomach on lock. Nevertheless, I managed to write the prologue of my book and check out some clothing concepts for a new venture...stay tuned. A little about my book; well, it's fantasy fiction and I aim to rise to the stature of JK Rowling with my story, lets leave it atthat for now. But I definitely have to ge my grind on: Between workin out, working in general and 2 new business ventures to grow, I'm feelin the crunch. But I got a good team around me, we'll do it.

Today, I leave said team behind to journey to the city that never sleeps, New York. Although actually I'll be staying between Brooklyn and Bronx, but I'll definitely be hanging in the city. NYC is a special place for me, in some ways, I consider it my birthright. Its such a fun, energetic and diverse place; you can find anything for anybody, and the girls are very hot. One summer when I was working in NY, I would spend some of my wknds just walkin around Times Square, Penn Station, Broadway etc. and I almost twisted my neck off looking at the various, exotic, beautiful women. And anyone who knows me well knows I have a "weakness for sweetness."

This trip I plan to reconnect with some of my former co-worker/interns, hang with my 'foundation' friends and generally have a great and relaxing time. I definitely need to get away for a while and NYC is what the doctor ordered. But I still have my mission on my mind, I'm going to try to go the gym at least once over the long wknd, I hope my gym has a branch there. If not, I'm sure amongst all the friends I have there, SOMEbody has a gym link. Also, I recently gave up hard drinking while I train for Spartan Glory. With some determination and willpower, I'll only have water or juice when I go clubbing. If I break, maybe a 1 beer, but I'll try not to. So I'm signing off now, wish me a safe journey people and expect a blog with the rundown of what popped off up there. Ersk Out.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Spartan Workout - Day 2

So, I just came from the gym where I spent the last hour and a half pushing my limits; feels good. My personal trainer is cool and we seem to have a good vibe going. I like the fact that he simply states what I should work on and have me execute but in a cool, calm way. I think I was expecting a real loud, boisterous kinda dude, but this guy is cool. According to him, I was the first guy in about 3 years that managed to do a set of 10 pull-ups without much hesitation or slacking. What do I do after a statement like that? I tell him he's BSing....heh. But he just reaffirmed calmy and went on to expound that he's seen people of many different body types who just didn't do the damn thing on the first attempt. Gotta say.....feels good. My goal for the day was to go in there and test my limits and push a little past them. I accomplished that.

Ok - Quick run down
25 mins on treadmill (str8!! - never did that b4)
chest set - 1 each flat and incline (lower and upper chest I think)
shoulder set - 1
pull ups set -1 (standing position)
push up set - 1 (triceps work-out, I think)
barbells (up n "clapping" over head and also regular curls)

That's all I remember, but basically a full body work-out. I told trainer, lets call him "Strents", exactly what my Spartan goals were and I'll say this work-out will definitely get me there.
So, all in all, Work-Out Day 2 was a great success. Since I started out this strong, all I have to do is maintain the momentum and determination.
"N- n- now th- that don't kill meCan only make me stronger..."
Incredible Ersk!!!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Spartan Workout - Day 1

This morning I got up at roughly 6:15am and hit the road to jog/run with my room-mate. The plan was 4 laps around the perimeter of our apartment complex and the surrounding area; approximately 2 miles. I managed to do about 2 and a half laps consisting of running, jogging and brisk walking (the terrain is uneven and there's a hill at some point) which is not bad all things considered.

I have to say though, just this morning alone taught me a few things about the ideal surroundings/terrain for running. Where I live is relatively suburban so the area is pretty quiet compared to a more bustling urban environment. However, I live right off of a highway of sorts and the moving traffic, dispeling an uncomfortable amount of carbon monoxide, is not the best thing for me. When I'm running, I need as clean an air supply as possible. Secondly, the "lap" consists of areas of sloping ground, followed by flat-ish, followed by slope. In the areas where there is no sidewalk, the grass is rough and un-even and then the shoulder of the road in some places is gravelly. Again, not the best thing for me. Therefore, before the week is done, I'm going research what open tracks are nearby that offer clean air, seclusion from car noise/fumes and even ground to tread on. That's me, ever the idealist, ever the realist. I's weird, but the ideal and the real are not far apart at all; I think its a matter of pre - thought and post - action respectively.

With a little dedication, I hope to make this particular post about my work-out everyday until the goal is reached. Stay tuned.....

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Spartaaaaaaaaaaaaa! The journey of Levaughnidas

So this weekend was pretty productive and fun. B-Prime returned from Yaad and the Triumvirate is again united. The goals we've set for the next few months relate to writing, starting a small business and working out. Writing and business I'll talk about in an upcoming blog, but this one deals with the gym movements.

Here's the goal: By October 31st we (3 of us) will look like members of the Spartan Army from the movie 300, or close enough. BIG GOAL!!!! But the motivation is there thus far and I've joined the gym today (well yesterday now); BTW, the process of signing up with the gym was a lot more complicated than I expected......paperwork.....trainer options........automated

Well, its all for a great cause; the culmination of our efforts will be going to a Halloween party as Spartans. I dare you to tell me that's not a wikkid idea! But, there's a lot of work to be done. It's actually kinda exciting; we have 2 months, can we pull it off?
Some would say this is madness.....blasphemy......

Monday, August 20, 2007

New Day, New Mission

So today marks the aftermath of Hurricane Dean, at least for my home, Jamaica. From what I've read, the storm battered the South East coast a bit, particularly Kingston, but seemingly skirted along the South and avoided a direct hit. I've yet to conirm any details about Montego Bay, but I doubt that anything too serious occurred. I'll be calling again shortly.

Today also marks the aftermath of the weekend; a period consisting of one friday night excursion, potential hook-ups with 2 new ladies, nursing myself to full health (don't drink when u "think" u've gotten over a cold, drink when u KNOW), monitoring Hurricane Dean, many attempts at calling Jamaica, a few successful phone calls here in the States and watching most of a Naruto marathon. Its Monday people, time to get back to work, or is it?

Thing is, I still don't feel 100% and I have Sick Leave available. Most importantly, I'm trying to hold myself accountable to completing a few tasks today - laundry; contacting family and friends in Jamaica; writing 5 Elven pages; utilizing my beautiful, brown-leather bound Franklin Covey Organizer that I bought a little less than 2 years ago but have yet to properly use (need to work on this week's schedule and some budgeting); reading a compensation plan and overall rest and recuperation. That's right good citizens, its a sick day. I need to call my boss, but why do I feel kinda guilty? Well, its an analysis of been working on: I think I have an over-developed sense of responsibility and also a fear that me missing a day is going to come back and bite me somehow.
Well, I've got to address that right now before I can go on and be comforatable with my day.

1. My stomach is feeling queasy.
2. Sick days are meant to be taken when u feel sick. If not now, then when? It makes little sense to hoard them. Besides, a good friend of mine, who I trust for sound counsel, has stated that he likes to keep his Sick Days to a minimum, largely to maximize his benefits from the Company. It makes sense. I can't predict when I would be seriously ill (that is part of the reason I hoard them - "just in case") and I can't afford to think that extreme. If I become seriously ill, I'll deal with it. I've gone through many challenges and I'm still here. Time to recognize my Strength and Resources.
3. Old Petey Parker says "With Great Power, comes Great Responsibility", a quote that I take pretty seriously despite the fact that it came from a comic book. However, today I have less-than-medium power and less-than-medium energy. I'm going to try to challenge that into medium responsibility - trying to contact Ja and keep some of my people here in the States posted on what I learn. That is enough for me today. No work, just personal work and information gathering.

So, that's it. I've got calls to make.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Of Wonderlands and Hurricanes

So, today is the day that Hurricane Dean is supposed to pass over Jamaica and here I am in the States still slightly hung-over from Friday night's Wonderland excursion; a good friend of mine recommended the place, and between friend and I, the place is officially 'win-able" ;)

You know the saying "Out of sight, out of mind"? Well, for the past couple days I've been in a state similar to that, that is, I haven't been overly worried about Dean. Don't get me wrong, I've been through Gilbert, albeit as a youngster, and when your that small, the destruction looks very big. However, I've spoken to my Pops (the rest of my immediate fam is in the States) and he has done what he has to - stocked up on supplies, fortified the house etc. - and I think the main theme of our conversation was to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Lets examine that phrase for a sec, "Prepare for the worst and Hope for the best", is that even possible? To divide your mind in such a way that you are following two opposing paradigms...?
But then I suppose in some odd way it DOES make sense; the practical mind works on tactics to mitigate the worst of what COULD happen while the part of your mind that deals with hope and faith, nay maybe not even your mind at all but your spirit, this part of you pines for a favorable outcome.

Its a funny thing, not "haha" of course. But in the face of possible disaster, there is calm. Calm within my father's voice, calm within me. After all, all we can do is hope, watch and wait. Times like this you hold the faith and as a friend, just this minute said to me online, a friend in Jamaica right now, "trust all things to God."

And while I recover from Wonderland, and I wonder about my land, I'll keep the faith.
Today I'll periodically check the media for news and go on about my day.....and watch more Naruto (to all the anime folks out there - didn't realise it was so good). On my last word, I can't help but liken Jamaica to Naruto; "don't ever underestimate!"