Sunday, August 8, 2010

Fall for your type....I just can't explain this shit at all.

Drake, you onto somn my yute.  Its actually not me but I have a bredren that always falls for a certain type, the type that's so good one minute and hurts the other 59.   She makes for one f'-d up hour.  And the hour turns to 2, then three days in, its a 4gone conclusion; a week, and he's already weak.
When I see the corpse he is becoming sometimes I wonder; who saves him from him?  Who saves us from us?  I just can't explain this shit at all.  But I'll try.

It seems he can never leave this theme.
Love, lust, infatuation; its all a woman.

Powerful is her aura, the feelings she evokes, for his lust is great.
In a perfect world she would provide an amalgam of emotion and eroticism indefinitely.
It's only a perfect world for a while.
A week, a month, a makes no difference.
Situations arise, unrest reveals the self-fed lies,
and the cost is their demise.

His head and heart don't have much in common;
One likes to lead, the other likes to follow.
He takes a chance on taking chances.
He believed that somewhere out there was someone meant to be
a risk, a reckless romance;
and he knows now its not her.
But he wants it to be.

Cause he's fallen for her type.
and he can't explain all.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Eulogizing Cable

Nathan Christopher Summers, son of Xman Scott Summers a.k.a. Cyclops, is going to die.
For most of his adult life, Nathan has been a soldier.  He has gone by the name Cable for just about as long as he has 'Nathan', but today Cable is more meaningful than anything else you could call him. 

A cable links things together, and that is exactly what Nathan does.  He is the link to a terrible timeline; a possible future where the world was an apocalyptic ruin.  But he is also a part of a timeline where there are heroes, mutant heroes, who call themselves the Xmen.  These Xmen have always fought for survival and acceptance in a world that didn't understand them, feared them, and to an extent, hated them.  They protected people from harm while all the time trying to advance their cause.  Like Cable, they can be considered soldiers. 

Cable has fought alongside the Xmen, sometimes as part of a core team, other times as leader of an off-shoot team, perhaps most often on his own...he has fought the good fight.  As it stands now, the good fight is a war between the Xmen, the best of a race on the verge of extinction, and Bastion, leader of a cabal of powerful bigots and terrorists determined to destroy all of mutantkind.  These bigots have never been this close to their goal, the Xmen, never this desperate.  After a series of brutal battles, and near-suicidal tactics, the Xmen have scored an important victory.  Yet that victory has not been without cost - they've lost a carefree, Ariel; a Knight who crawled his last breath; and now they will lose Cable.          

Cable is sacrificing himself, mind and body to provide a crucial link.  He will be the bridge to the present and keep the doorway open until all his allies can cross over from a hellish future into the present.  They will be needed for the final battle, and as any good soldier knows, sometimes you have to sacrifice yourself to give others the chance to finish the fight.  We do not know if he is afraid; given all that he has seen and done, its unlikely.  But we do know that he is determined; his will is singular, unbroken, straight and true, like an optic blast.  His father will hurt, but he will also be proud, and very, very thankful.

So I ask you all to remember Cable, remember his sacrifice and honor his memory.  He has fought all his life for his beliefs and the greater good but he died for his friends, his race, and most of all, for Hope.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

When it snows...

Usually I don't like snow.  The after-effect, when it becomes hard and dirty ice that then begins to slowly melt as the days progress creating dirty puddles of cold water; yeah, I'm not into it.  But I have to say, taking the time to watch snow fall down fresh from the sky, if you focus on that for a few seconds, minutes even, you can lose yourself in it.  Its a beautiful thing. 
I grew up on an island where it was hot, or warm, year-round.  I love warm weather; walking around in shorts and slippers/sandals, having access to a beach, soaking in the sun - that's me.  But, I've lived in the North East U.S. now for almost a decade, give or take a year or two, and I've come to appreciate the different seasons.  Though I'm still no fan of the cold, I've grown somewhat accustomed, even doing things to make the most of the weather; eg. ice skating (haven't gone skiing yet, that's next, or maybe snowboarding).  But the point, not to digress, is that I took the time to watch the snow this morning.  I did this because I woke up with a lot of negative things on my mind, particularly work stress, and as I sipped my morning capucchino (I don't even really like coffee like that, I was out of tea) I decided to gaze outside and let my mind wander among the little snowflakes.  It was calming. 
Y'know, snow can be viewed as majestic too.  Imagine that they might be little soap suds drifting down from God's body as he takes his morning shower; I mean, its God right, so that would mean a LOT of soapsuds, i.e. snowflakes.  Yeah, I have a very active imagination, I guess its part of being a writer.  But seriously, what else can you compare snowfall to?  Apart from rain, and I guess hail (thankfully haven't experienced that), and random objects like meteorites or such that may or may not have fallen to earth a long, long time ago, what else falls naturally from the sky that looks so enchanting?  I can't think of anything, and I'm an Island boy, so I leave it to you.  As for me, I was inspired to send this blog up into the sky, off a few satellites, and onto your screen.  Hope you like snowflakes.....God's soapsuds, or many, many pieces of the Marshmallow man from the Ghostbusters movie....STILL!  Poor guy...he's in a permanent loop re-living or re-dying his demise.

Monday, January 4, 2010

2010: The year we all do it!

2010; its a new decade, yet I have old dreams, no goals.  I say that this year will be the year that these goals become fulfilled.  This year, is the year of fruition.  To everyone out there who has goals and dreams, let this be the year to pursue them if you haven't started and achieve them if you are on track.  As for myself, check out my other blog:  This is the nexus of my goal/dream, and I just have one thing to say on my progress: 84,484 WORDS AND COUNTING!!! 
Check me out, leave me a comment, spread the word, and go after yours!