Sunday, August 19, 2007

Of Wonderlands and Hurricanes

So, today is the day that Hurricane Dean is supposed to pass over Jamaica and here I am in the States still slightly hung-over from Friday night's Wonderland excursion; a good friend of mine recommended the place, and between friend and I, the place is officially 'win-able" ;)

You know the saying "Out of sight, out of mind"? Well, for the past couple days I've been in a state similar to that, that is, I haven't been overly worried about Dean. Don't get me wrong, I've been through Gilbert, albeit as a youngster, and when your that small, the destruction looks very big. However, I've spoken to my Pops (the rest of my immediate fam is in the States) and he has done what he has to - stocked up on supplies, fortified the house etc. - and I think the main theme of our conversation was to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Lets examine that phrase for a sec, "Prepare for the worst and Hope for the best", is that even possible? To divide your mind in such a way that you are following two opposing paradigms...?
But then I suppose in some odd way it DOES make sense; the practical mind works on tactics to mitigate the worst of what COULD happen while the part of your mind that deals with hope and faith, nay maybe not even your mind at all but your spirit, this part of you pines for a favorable outcome.

Its a funny thing, not "haha" of course. But in the face of possible disaster, there is calm. Calm within my father's voice, calm within me. After all, all we can do is hope, watch and wait. Times like this you hold the faith and as a friend, just this minute said to me online, a friend in Jamaica right now, "trust all things to God."

And while I recover from Wonderland, and I wonder about my land, I'll keep the faith.
Today I'll periodically check the media for news and go on about my day.....and watch more Naruto (to all the anime folks out there - didn't realise it was so good). On my last word, I can't help but liken Jamaica to Naruto; "don't ever underestimate!"

1 comment:

Marcus Bird, Designer said...

Yeah man... i'm watching the rain right now...and waiting for the power to go out. Tag your blogs, so that it will popup on random searches zeen.
