Monday, August 27, 2007

Spartan Workout - Day 1

This morning I got up at roughly 6:15am and hit the road to jog/run with my room-mate. The plan was 4 laps around the perimeter of our apartment complex and the surrounding area; approximately 2 miles. I managed to do about 2 and a half laps consisting of running, jogging and brisk walking (the terrain is uneven and there's a hill at some point) which is not bad all things considered.

I have to say though, just this morning alone taught me a few things about the ideal surroundings/terrain for running. Where I live is relatively suburban so the area is pretty quiet compared to a more bustling urban environment. However, I live right off of a highway of sorts and the moving traffic, dispeling an uncomfortable amount of carbon monoxide, is not the best thing for me. When I'm running, I need as clean an air supply as possible. Secondly, the "lap" consists of areas of sloping ground, followed by flat-ish, followed by slope. In the areas where there is no sidewalk, the grass is rough and un-even and then the shoulder of the road in some places is gravelly. Again, not the best thing for me. Therefore, before the week is done, I'm going research what open tracks are nearby that offer clean air, seclusion from car noise/fumes and even ground to tread on. That's me, ever the idealist, ever the realist. I's weird, but the ideal and the real are not far apart at all; I think its a matter of pre - thought and post - action respectively.

With a little dedication, I hope to make this particular post about my work-out everyday until the goal is reached. Stay tuned.....

1 comment:

Marcus Bird, Designer said...

Ah.. that's the spirit... "I need clean air when I run dammit!" hahahah